Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Oswald Chambers - Maybe not so much of a mystic after all?

You know, I was looking into Oswald Chambers and although I really like a lot of what he says I' have been a little concerned about his association with Christian mysticism as stated by some writers on the internet I've come across. But in reading these counterpoints to Chambers' theology I have come to find that I agree with him, at least from what I've read so far. Articles like this serve to reinforce my understanding of God and His creation by showing me just how apostate most Christians have become. One key thing this author seems to overlook is the concept of Sabbath rest and the fact that this heaven and earth are prophesied to pass away. The Bible is clear that we should, especially in these end days, increasingly divest ourselves of the world and invest ourselves in the love of God for the mission of saving souls from this fallen creation, which is surely under judgment as we speak.

The writer of this article seems to have also taken the post modern stance that Christianity is intimately attached to the joys this world brings ie; God's "creation," yet in a world that is flooded with the deceptions of the devil, it is often hard to separate the two. For example, the traditional family, with the husband/father being the head, has been utterly destroyed in our modern culture, causing a reversal of God's plan for holiness and righteousness to flow through from the Father, to the Son to man and then to woman and thier children. The world works against His intent and purpose of the family and in many cases makes laws against the Christian values that keep it holy.

Now I will be the first to admit that men have done much work to destroy the love that is intended to flow through the biblical family by, in the past and to this day, dominating and treating women with disrespect. However, what society has done is to give women places of authority instead of addressing the real issue that men have become disconnected from the love of God. So for me, it is unrealistic to even consider marriage and starting a family since the days in which we live are not conducive to the lifestyle God would want me to live. Since He has turned the world over to reprobate minds and prophesied against such immoral behavior, it is unwise to continue to expect to operate a family on a biblical level in today's overwhelmingly satanic culture. In fact, I would venture to say it is guaranteed to cause the highest levels of strife and divisions. I, personally, could and would not marry a woman unless she understood and agreed with the fact that it will be the most difficult thing a Christian could do today. I would not want my child indoctrinated with lies like the theory of evolution, false history, LGBT pride, occult symbolism and ideologies, feminism... poisoned with GMOs, chemicals and pesticides, vaccinated with potential pathogens, bullied and pressured into drugs by peers... but then again, there has never been a better time to grow spiritually on this planet. People are faced with evil at every turn. The world is literally swimming in a sea of sin and people are happy to be deceived, even most professing Christians. they want thier ears tickled. There are many forms of the prosperity doctrine these days and none of them reveal the very hard-to-swallow truth - that THIS world will soon come to an end. And it will NOT be pretty. Is it right to bring a child up in today's increasingly liberal-socialistic, anti-christian, pleasure-seeking, happily-deceived globalized culture? A world that is willing to trade God-given freedom for false security and hope devised and contrived by the lies of men? A world that ultimately rejects the path to holiness - that believes humanity can pull together in unity to create a better world - WITHOUT taking up the cross of Christ Yahshua to be washed clean of all unrighteousness by His blood and be brought before the throne of the One True God, Father Yahweh?

It is not only unbelievers that are deceived, it is Christians themselves. They are buying into the idea that God will bless them in this life abundantly without having to make the necessary sacrifice of themselves. They MUST die to their own desires and wishes to be fully submitted to Christ. THY will be done. Remember that Cane's offering was not only insufficient but an offense to God.

Consider what is said in the following blog: Christianity 2.0

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