Monday, August 8, 2016

Daniel Fusco - For real?

OK so my friend keeps posting videos of this guy on Facebook and instead of commenting on his post I decided to write a blog and post it on my own wall. First off, Daniel Fusco preaches a lot of truth. I can't knock that, except my discernment alarm was ringing loudly after watching several of his videos. Although most of what he says is on point there are some serious discrepancies that are very much like what a lot of other churches are missing these days.

In this message he is saying we need to be gentle with people when confronting them with the truth. OK, yes, Scripture says this in some places but it also says otherwise in other places. Let's take some of the words of Jesus for example...
"Hypocrites!" "Brood of Vipers!" "You are of your father the devil."

This shows that there is a such thing as righteous indignation where the truth needs to be slapped across the faces of those in error, more specifically those who are purposefully deceiving and those who are so blindly deceived that they have fallen into apostasy. Sometimes a hard truth is best presented firmly and loudly.

Other times, it is best to approach someone gently. It really depends, and that is why we need the Holy Spirit. Frankly, this world has fallen into such apostasy due to some very sneaky tactics by people like this pastor, who is the head pastor at a large megachurch in Vancouver. If you want to understand why megachurches are ineffective at winning souls just Google it. Mainly, they are mostly concerned about numbers and marketing (which he wrote a blog about here: ---> straight up corporate marketing), which means more members, which means more money. I am personally opposed to people treating the Gospel like a market to be tapped into.

Secondly, most megachurches are not turning out true disciples of Christ. Well actually, most regular churches aren't either. These churches are typified by a "feel good" message that has wide appeal but Jesus stated that wide is the path to destruction and narrow is the path to salvation (Matthew 7:12-14). What happens in most churches today is what is called the "Sunday fix." People seek Jesus to feel good. That's why there's often a heavy focus on entertainment value in these churches. There's "something for everyone."

I'm sorry folks but the gospel is a hard message to swallow. It says that you must give up everything even unto death if you want to follow Jesus (and this is not just limited to baptism in water symbolically - it's very literal - ALL of what you are and have is God's - this is called Sabbath rest). But you don't hear lead pastors in many churches declaring that. There is a high cost for discipleship. Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:23-24). [EDIT: A reader has clarified that the following statement is unfounded and after additional research I have found his assertion to be true. Scripture should not be taken out of context to make a point. I gladly stand corrected.] This is very symbolic because the "eye of the needle" was a small door into a city that was open after dark (the main gate closed at dusk). Merchants who came in the small door had to unload everything from their camels outside the door, then make their camels pass through on their knees, then bring all their merchandise through, pack the camels back up and continue on. Think about that for a moment... It means a rich man can enter but it is very difficult, much more so than someone who has nothing. Also consider these words from Jesus in Luke 14:26-27:
“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters — yes, even his own life — he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not carry his cross and follow Me cannot be My disciple."

Now this doesn't mean everyone should hate their family. However Jesus made it plain and His message was not easy. It was not "feel good." It was not lighthearted and gentle. It was dead serious. He requires FULL devotion. If you are weighed down by things of this world that prevent you from being 100% then you are not following Him. There is no 99%.

Also, it is unbiblical to have a lead pastor for a church. The early church had elders who kept each other in check. Having a lead pastor in a church, especially one with thousands upon thousands of members, is a recipe for corruption. This is biblical. Look it up in Acts, Titus, and other places in the NT where it gives direction for the structure of the church.

 OK now I HAVE to say something about the dreads. Seriously? I can hear subconsciences  all the way from Vancouver right now... "This guy is so COOL. He's REAL. So casual and different from all the other suits out there thumping their Bibles and pointing their fingers. How can a white guy with dreads be bad?" In the Bible it is said that we should avoid even the appearance of evil. Dreads are associated with the Rastafarian religion which is not a righteous nor biblically sound religion. Dreads shout "I smoke marijuana" in our modern culture. I feel like he's going to spark up a fatty at any moment. I have to wonder, if he were confronted about his dreads would he claim he's taken a Nazarite vow (like the Rastas) which is very Old Testament BTW and not something carried on under the New Covenant. The Bible even says that for a man to have long hair is a disgrace. So it makes me think that the people who ordained him and gave him his lead pastor position must have either a lack of understanding of the Bible or they were more concerned about worldly matters, like money. I believe this man was most likely put in place specifically because he appeals to the liberal, undiscerning masses in a non-threatening way.

Another thing is that I found a picture of him doing something that appears to be very similar to Baphomet signs with his hands. Notice the dual devil signs in the photo above, one pointing up and one down. This is a very common satanic statement meaning "As above, So below." I don't know if this was intentional or not but there it is in full color for all to see. You can search Google and see many celebrities these days, including false prophets in the Christian faith, making signs of the devil, New Age and Luciferian in nature. It is literally everywhere. There are many false prophets out there these days so I'm not totally convinced this guy's heart is in the right place based on my research. Maybe I'll do some more digging at some point but for now I'm not going to show my support for his ministry until I can be convinced his heart is true.

Do not be too quick in the laying on of hands and thereby share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure. 1 Timothy 5:22


  1. I find this review to be very discerning and true. True at least to the issues pointed out requires further inquiry and approaching this brother who clearly is not in line with scripture

    Leaders are shepherds having the highest of accountability .

    I personally agree with this review 100 percent . Believers are commanded to TESt every spirit for Satan comes with a bible in his hand and a light but not the true light which light as recorded in John the 1st chapter

  2. there is no eye of the needle gate that is a myth

    that would be a common occurrence and the listeners were astonished at this saying

    25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”

    There are some differences in the transmitted Greek. The needle in Matthew and Mark is a rafic. In Luke it is a belone. But both are synonyms for needles used in sewing, but Luke's is more likely to be used by a surgeon than a seamstress.

  3. Thanks Jon for the correction on that eye of the needle thing. After looking it up again this analogy does appear to be unfounded. Interesting word study too.

  4. Well
    Believe it or not my pastor at a mega church Brett meador at Athey Creek had said as well it was just a medaphore and just lately corrected himself to the congregation and said on an Israel tour a Jewish showed him where the eye of the needle was located and it was just as proclaimed

    The eye was a very small opening to get through and the analogy correct

    One must take off the things of the camel to get through

    It is a literal translation and analogy


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