Monday, August 22, 2016

Rod C. Davis - False Teacher of Luciferian Doctrines

Below is a couple of comments I made to one of Rod C. Davis's Youtube Videos trying to spuriously prove Paul was a false apostle:

Thank you for your thoughtful response Rod. I will definitely look those things up and do my own research in prayer to Father Yahweh for answers. He has not led me astray so far :) I too have spent hundreds of hours in research, prayer and have been given many signs from Yahweh in my walk of faith which continue to this day (I pray they NEVER stop). But this does not make me want to call myself "anointed" nor seek to glorify my name as it appears your website does. This is a big red flag for me.

There is great danger is cherry-picking verses in The Bible and reading them out of context. Dan 8:11 is not referring to Christ but rather to a world power or system that persecutes the Jews and causes the sacrifices to stop ie; destroys the temple - most likely referring to Rome. But it is not talking about Christ there. Nor is it talking about Christ in 9:27.
However, Christ did come to put an end to sacrifices. He *was* the final sacrifice. Christ walked in perfection while being faced with the ultimate opposition. But this is no way discounts what Paul was teaching. He taught just that. The book of Hebrews makes it very clear just what it meant for Christ to fulfill the law. Paul was not an advocate for continuing the law or solidifying the blood covenant but rather advocated the New Covenant fulfilled in Christ who is the only way to salvation. He told the converted Christian Jews that if they wanted to continue under the law they could do that but it would hinder their spiritual growth. His whole message in Romans was that we should not be legalistic in telling anyone how they should worship, but that if they had the Spirit in them they would be convicted and guided by Him. Paul rejected the legalism of religion but spoke the truth boldly and plainly so that others could either accept it to reject it themselves. He pointed out the idolatry that continued to flourish the Greek, Jewish and Roman cultures even after God's ultimate act of love towards us. Humanity continues to betray Him in the face of this knowledge to this very moment. Both Paul and Christ prophesied the same things.

Also, I see how you could take Jer 7:22 to mean that Yahweh did not command sacrifices or offerings since such a strong statement is made, and upon reading the verse by itself it sounds rock solid in meaning. But read it again *in context*, keeping in mind that most of The Bible is meant to be taken in context, not only paragraph-to-paragraph but "chapter"-by-"chapter" and holistically, I'm confident you will come to understand that this passage is referring to the way the Israelites were profaning the commanded worship of Yahweh by bringing idols into the temple and worshiping them as well ie; the "queen of heaven" - Ashtoreth which arose out of pagan Babylon (Research Semiraimis and Nimrod who ursurped and twisted the seed prophesy of Genesis 3). Note: I put "chapter" in quotes because the chapter divisions are not always in the correct places nor are the verse divisions, which can cause confusion sometimes. It is an archaeologically and biblically proven fact that the Israelites practiced syncretism and worshiped Ashtoreth, Baal, Molock and other gods along side Yahweh from the incident at Mt Sinai until Rome sacked Jerusalem in 70AD (see Exodus-Malachi). That very same idolatry continues to this day in the second most dominant religion on this planet, Catholicism, as well as the largest religion, Islam (they use symbols of goddess worship as well even though they claim to worship the One True God - yet Allah has pagan roots). What we are dealing with today is mass deception and confusion created by satanic forces on earth.

The idolatry continues to this day in the pagan-syncretized Roman Catholic Church and even into every denomination of mainstream Christianity which idolizes money, family, friends, fame, pride, accomplishment and pleasure. These things take away from our focus on God's will. Majority of Christians today even idolize worship! They think they are worshiping but in reality they are seeking a pre-conceived notion of worship. It's Cane's offering over and over and over again. This is exactly what Israel did and is a localized historical type of the apostate world religion that was to come under the guise of Christianity. I see on your website a picture of Mary in the background of the crucified Christ, a picture that clearly comes from Catholicism. If you are a real seeker of truth I would expect to not see something like that on your site but there it is, another red flag.

If you take away the God-appointed sacrifices, which if you believe and trust that God gave The Bible to us you would, then you would remove all the *types and shadows* pointing the way to Christ Yahshua as the Messiah. You utterly discount the fulfillment of prophesy in Him and ignore the weight of the sacrifice made on the cross as well as the very prophesies of our Creator Himself regading His birth, death, resurrection and return (which were established at the foundations of the world, or this "age"). The sacrificial system was crucial to bringing about the New Covenant. This is made very clear by both Jesus and Paul and was accepted by Peter and the rest of the apostles collectively. To say that Paul was a false prophet is to say that the apostles were deceived as well, that they didn't really understand a word Yahshua said, they didn't really receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and that the church was not founded on Solid Rock. You are essentially throwing the entire spiritually, solid-food message of the Bible out the window as well as your faith that God was able to begin building His kingdom here on earth through the apostles as Christ Yahshua clearly intended. So are you a Bible believer or not? That is the real question. If not then we have nothing further to discuss. If you would like I would be happy to spend the time to spell out my understanding of the Bible but it might be best to read from the person who mentored me and helped me to learn how to diligently and thoroughly seek the truth by the leading of the Holy Spirit. I've so far found nothing that can solidly refute his teachings and I believe he has been gifted greatly with a great level of *discernment* by Father Yahweh.

I can agree that the KJV and subsequent modern versions were altered from the original inspired Hebrew texts in many ways that distort the direct revelations revealed to the prophets and scribes of old. The Gap theory is a prime example. "But the earth became formless and void" is the translation that should have been made, which has profound implications. There are numerous other errors I've found as well so I am not opposed to seeking the truth to find more if God is willing. But Paul was certainly not trying to keep the traditions of the Pharisees alive. He preached that the law was fulfilled in Christ. He preached that all the types and shadows of the old covenant were pointing to Christ and the fulfillment of prophesy in Him. He also expounded upon the meanings of OT prophesies in relation to end times that have and are coming to pass. Have you researched the many layers of types and shadows in the Bible? I believe these were kept in tact even if other doctrines were purposefully altered to fit within the scope of the corrupt Church's understanding of Scripture at the time. I believe and trust that God has kept alive the solid food of His message, that He has kept His finger in the Bible even though men try to corrupt it at every turn. What concerns me most is that many people today are working hard at the influence of Satan (who can transform himself into and angel of light - 2 Cor 11:14 and perhaps even Gen 3 "nachash" meaning "shining one") to corrupt people's connection and relationship with God in order to promote this idea that the whole world worships the same God and are on different paths to Him. This Luciferian apostasy was also prophesied from Genesis to Revelation. This idea is still alive in the Babylonian syncretism of today's rebellious, deceived, stiff-necked culture.

I do agree that Christ Yahshua was not about religion. Religion is belief-based written law that leads to misguided tyranny. The law of God is written on our hearts so that we can choose Him voluntarily or incur His righteous wrath. It is true that the prophets spoke clearly that the law and rituals surrounding them were merely types and shadows of what God was trying to communicate to Israel and to the Gentiles after Christ. They all pointed to Christ and the future fulfillment of His kingdom. Even the prophets of old understood these things because the Spirit of God was IN them so they could see past the curse of the law.

There is nothing new under the sun. According to the order of Melchizedek we have always had access to Him through His Spirit directly instead of only sacrifices, which can not make anyone clean in their heart (For You do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it; You are not pleased with burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart. Psalm 61:15) but people just won't get out of His way by seeking their own glory and desires instead of His. They impose understanding rather than expose it. The sacrificial system was a curse as much as an attempt to show people their sinful state. But it WAS commanded by God by a mound of evidence throughout both the OT and NT.

Honestly, sometimes I wonder who really IS following the Spirit since every "ordained" Tom, Dick and Harry is claiming to be a prophet or "anointed" apostle under the guidance of the Spirit by signs, wonders and miracles, yet no one can seem to agree on what is sound doctrine. I can't help but be highly skeptical when someone touts their own anointing, not that the person isn't, but it doesn't appear very humble. It's also very difficult to wade through all the false prophets out there so please excuse me if I might sound a little bit too "tough love" in my responses. I tend to call it how I see it. In this case I have to admit I'm quite moved to expose at what I see. In many cases I won't say anything but when I see so many glaring errors I must speak up for the sake of those who take you seriously and encourage people to seek the discernment of Father Yahweh for clarity on these matters which I have no doubt have the potential to effect salvation.

To come back to a point I started early in this comment, the Gospel calls us to self-denial and I find using your name as a form of branding on the Gospel is quite self-promotional. Let's just look at your self-proclaimed title as seen on your home page:
"Spiritual, Supernatural, Paranormal, Biblical Researcher, Author and Ordained Minister
Anointed Seeker & Preacher of Hidden Truths"
"Amazon Best Seller - Miracles"
Not very humble IMHO. My spiritual red-flag fire alarm is ringing off the wall to be perfectly honest. I understand that God is supernatural but you make yourself sound like a occultist, medium, ghost hunter and astrologer by touting yourself with such lofty adjectives. It reeks of mystic influence and immediately calls to mind the possibility you may be deceived by Luciferian doctrines. This fact is confirmed by the following:
"This is a basic introduction to communicating with the other side, and the procedures one can employ to activate their God given ability to commune with spirits guides and the departed."

If anything were made more clear in The Bible than homosexuality being an abomination it would be this sort of witchcraft. Total apostasy.

Even in spite of my concerns about you and your teachings, with a joyful spirit in the search for truth I will commit time to reading some of the things you have recommended. I pray that the truth be known by us both, even if one of us has to be wrong. And I am always willing to be proven wrong even in the spirit of debate. I believe God wants us to work the truth out together in prayer and diligent, life-long commitment to self-sacrifice for the truth. That is why no single man has all the answers so that no one can boast in themselves or use God's name in vain to glorify themselves. We also cannot compromise and give into the clamoring masses demanding world unity under a false "God" like many of these Luciferian doctrines do which seek to undermine the deeper meanings of Yahweh's letter to us. We should also be willing to embrace truth even if it tears down every belief we've built up in our lives. In the end the Truth is all that will stand anyway.

I can't help but feel like your teachings are going down the same path of deception that is flooding the world, especially since you embrace and promote doctrines that are not accepted as even legitimate by most biblical scholars (not that scholars are always right...we can clearly see they are not, but in this case they are). After looking into this "Gospel" I am certain it is Luciferian in nature. For one, it states "As above so below. As Within so without." This is straight up Hermeticism which reaches back to ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mystery religions. The veganism aspect is really hard to swallow (pun intended - I love animals but this doctrine has an overt liberal agenda). It teaches Jesus was trained in mystic arts when He traveled east. It teaches the equality of women which goes against what Peter and Timothy taught as well as Paul (this is a very misunderstood part of God's kingdom). It discounts the deity of Christ Yahshua by teaching He wasn't born of a virgin, which negates OT prophesy. I mean, need I go on? Not to say I don't recognize that God created us vegan and we will eventually return to being vegans in the New Earth, but right now we are allowed to eat meat. One doesn't have to look far to see The Gospel of Twelve is another attempt to appeal to the growing liberal masses seeking to have their ears tickled.

I fear you are misleading people down a destructive path. But my faith will remain in an open mind to God's leading even through my skepticism. Perhaps I will find something truthful however so far that truth is proving my faith to be correct (not that I need it to for Yahweh has already revealed Himself to me). But if my skepticism proves correct there is a good chance the Spirit will move me to confront you about it in love AND truth, for the two cannot be separated without one profaning the other. Often times love tastes sweet to the tongue but when it reaches the stomach it turns to bitter truth. Likewise, often the truth tastes bitter to the tongue but turns sweet in the stomach. To those who are wise let them have ears to hear. Do not be deceived.

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