Saturday, August 6, 2016

DON'T JUDGE ME! (Moral Relativity in Christian Worship)

This is moral relativism in action
One needs not look far to find answers as to why the world is immersed in the state of calamity that we are. It's all right there in the Bible. God appointed *judges* to help govern the people, like Samuel, who were prophets of the Most High, and God was their King directly. But the Israelites wanted kings (lower case) like all the other heathen nations to rule them. This was a really bad collective decision. Bad *judgment*.

We can see this in the story of King Saul. God even warned the people beforehand what would happen (1 Samuel 8). This king would take advantage of them and oppress them. He would not follow God in all his ways. And yet they still clamored for a king. God gave them what they wanted. That is the longsuffering of His love. You want to NOT listen to the advice of the Almighty? You want to learn your own lesson? You got it. That's tough love, but necessary love, when one is dealing with rebellious children. It is also a witness to Yahweh's commitment to honoring His gift of free will (John 3:27, Proverbs 1:29-33,21:2, Isaiah 55:6-7, 2 Peter 3:9, Galatians 5:1,13). But free will outside of His will cannot go unpunished. We see this repeatedly throughout the Bible. The very sins the people give themselves over to are what brings judgment upon them. His wrath is exemplified in giving unrepentant transgressors over to their wicked ways which lead them to destruction (Jeremiah 17:10).

Saul did all that God said he would. He took much from the people, the best of everything, even down to demanding their sons' and daughters' lives and complete service. He PAID LIP SERVICE to God on many occasions, claiming to do what God wanted but in reality he repeatedly worshiped how he felt he should instead of how God wanted him to. Sound familiar? Even today this trend continues. Government increasingly meddles in the lives of citizens, placing limits on their God-given freedom, taking as much from them as possible while deceiving the masses into thinking they mean them well. Even the few proclaiming Christian politicians deceive themselves in thinking they are doing God a service. I often find myself asking, "What 'god' are they talking about?"

When faced with the ultimate test standing against the overwhelming Philistine army he made a bad *judgment* call to sacrifice the offering instead of Samuel, whom God commanded make the offering but was delayed. Saul, feeling pressured by the fear of death, worshiped how he thought he should (a type of Cane's offering) and this line of thinking wound up leading to his removal as king and ultimately, his death in battle. Later God commanded Saul to utterly destroy all of the Amalekites, their idols and all their livestock. Saul didn't do that. He kept the best livestock to feed his hungry men, AND he didn't kill the king. Both of these decisions were against God's commandments to him. He worshiped how he felt, not as he was commanded. This was not a man after God's own heart.

God gives the majority what they want. Do you know why we are under the rule of Satan (Lucifer as he is still called by his followers)? It is because Adam and Eve CHOSE (used poor judgment) to eat of the fruit of the tree of the *knowledge of good and evil*. They wanted to know right and wrong for themselves so they could sit in the *judgment* seat of God here on earth and be like the Most High (Genesis 3:4-6,22). Satan usurped man's desire to be ruled by God (2 Timothy 2:26, John 8:44) and so God turned us over to be his slaves (Romans 6:16). He rules over man now (Ephesians 2:2, John 12:31, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Revelation 12:9) and it is his goal to destroy God's plan of salvation for mankind. God allowed this because man chose it. But in the end Yahweh will have His way (Revelation 20). Satan's rulership is temporary and serves a place in His great purpose. Yahweh has given us a choice. Will you choose to come to Him through His Son Christ Yahshua or will you choose to worship how you feel? (John 14:6)

Judgment is very obviously a necessary part of life as we know it, and is part of growing up from children of God to sons and daughters in the image of Christ by the leading of the Holy Spirit (Jeremiah 4:22, Acts 13:33, John 1:12-13,12:36). Some modern examples of poor judgment are easy to see in our globalized, post-modern culture as types leading up to a one world government under the rule of Satan. God has already warned us that electing our own leaders is a bad idea. We see the result is that we have become overrun with lies and corruption. Every time the people elect a leader themselves, even Christians thinking they are serving God, they are in reality going against God's authority. They are worshiping how they feel and demanding kings instead of pleading for The King of kings.

Why do you think that the LGBT movement has become the norm? Why do you think that the traditional biblical family is breaking down? Why do you think transgender rights are even under discussion? Why do you think sexual immorality is commonplace? Why do you think there have been almost 60 MILLION abortions in the US alone since Roe Vs. Wade in 1973? And almost 1.5 BILLION worldwide since 1980? That's thousands per day in the US and over a hundred thousand worldwide daily. DAILY!

We can clearly see the results of the "DON'T JUDGE ME!" - "It's all good man" - "Just be nice" philosophy has gotten us. The satanic bible says, "Do what thou wilst shall be the whole of the law." Yep. That's exactly where we are. God has given the people over to reprobate minds just like they wanted (Romans 1:24, 28). This is why I have decided not to vote for a fallen system of corruption under the rulership of Satan (to clarify I do not mean that I will rebel against the elected authorities for all authority is appointed by God, even if we choose leaders who are not righteous in His sight. We still are to live under the law of the land as long as it doesn't violate the law of God written on your heart. See Romans 13.). I choose to come out of Mystery Babylon (Revelation 17,18:3-4, Isaiah 52:11, Jeremiah 51:6,45, 2 Corinthians 6:17) and choose Christ Yahshua as my King. I know that many will not agree with me and will choose to vote for Donald Trump. They will believe in people like 7th Day Adventist, Ben Carson, who claim in their pride that Donald Trump will serve as a savior for America (Isaiah 30:1). Even if you don't think all that highly of Trump, who has many skeletons in his closet, remember, in God's eyes there is no "lesser of evils." In the end those who call themselves "We The People" will learn their lesson the hard way.

Have a "nice" election!

(coming soon... Why 7th Day Adventist beliefs are apostate)

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