Saturday, December 1, 2018

Yeshu - a Cursed Derogatory Name?

The Hebrew phrase yimakh shemo ימח שמו "May his name be obliterated" is a curse placed after the name of particular enemies of the Jewish people. A variant is yimakh shemo ve zikhro ימח שמו וזכרו "Obliterate his name and his memory." Yimakh shemo is one of the strongest curses in the Hebrew language.

The term although Hebrew, may be inserted as a set phrase in languages other than Hebrew, including Yiddish, e.g. "Dos iz a kol-boynik, yemakh-shmoy!" ("He is a scoundrel, yemakh-shmoy!") and English. When the phrase is used in English of plurals the Hebrew plural -am ("their names and their memories" yimach shemam ve-zichram) is applied. The epithet may be abbreviated as "Y. S." in some English texts. In Hebrew the abbreviation is (יש"ו) y-sh"u. The curse connects with examples of erasure of names in other cultures, but has been called "the classic Jewish curse."

- Professor Ghil'ad Zuckermann, Language Revival and Multiple Causation

See of footnote #3 in the link below.
There are arguments that Yeshu (translated here as "sinners of Israel" after controversy over the original reference to Yeshu) is A) not Christ but some other less important figure who didn't have much influence, and B) that this is just a reference to a Jewish curse that means "May his name be obliterated." It equates this person with Balaam, who led Israel astray. You make the judgment call. Is it talking about Christ?

Just as the Jews removed the name of Yahweh from the Old Testament they seem to have had a hand in the corruption of Christ's name as well. The commonly accepted name in Hebrew for Christ is Yeshua or more commonly in secular or some orthodox circles in Israel, Yeshu. After reading what is above and knowing what is written in the Babylonian Talmud (which a vast majority of rabbis and scholars use to this day) is it not highly suspicious that they use this name instead of the more obvious "Yahshua"?

If the name Jesus has any connection to this I wonder if it carries the meaning of cursing Christ and all who are His to remove their names from existence. Jesus is closer to Yeshua than Yahshua when you look at the Greek Iesus. It sounds like "Yeshu". The Jesuit order may have consciously picked this name for that reason. "The Society of Wiping out the Name of that Unspoken Apostate Jew from Existence". Of course that's pure speculation. I have no evidence of that last statement other than what was said here, which is not enough to draw that conclusion, however if you research the history of the Jesuits you will find that many of the things they've been involved in do seem to go along with that idea. "In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God." The Catholic-backed Jesuits along with teachings of the Jewish Talmud and Islam all teach something in common, that it is OK to do something wrong to an enemy as long as the intentions are towards righteousness. Where I come from that's spelled H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y.

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