A psychiatrist critical of Peale, R. C. Murphy, once exclaimed, "All this advertising is vindicated as it were, by a strict cleaving to the side of part truth..."
That is the best summary of modern Christianity I can think of.
A second major accusation of Peale is that he attempted to conceal that his techniques for giving the reader absolute self-confidence and deliverance from suffering are a well known form of hypnosis, and that he attempts to persuade his readers to follow his beliefs through a combination of false evidence and self-hypnosis (autosuggestion), disguised by the use of terms which may sound more benign from the reader's point of view ("techniques", "formulas", "methods", "prayers", and "prescriptions"). One author called Peale's book "The Bible of American autohypnotism".
While his techniques are not debated by psychologists, Peale said his theological practice and strategy was directed more at self-analysis, forgiveness, character development, and growth much like the Jesuits of the Catholic Church. Anyone who knows anything about the Jesuits will understand just how satanic that statement is.
In case anyone is wondering why I post so much "negative" stuff it's because I'm trying to show you that you can't live in a bubble and ignore what Satan is doing in the world. If you really believe the Bible and hear the call to be a disciple you must face the darkness and expose it in the light. This is why Yahshua said you will suffer. It is not because you ate too much RoundUp, slept next to a smart meter for years and wound up with cancer. It's not because some random act of violence happened to you. It's the righteous acts of the saints that bring about righteous suffering. That does not mean you don't carry the peace and joy of Yahweh. You carry it through the trials which come from persecution towards those who stand with the lamp of His truth in the midst of a wicked world. The peace and joy comes from knowing the promise, not from ignoring the pain of the present. Is there reward for suffering which comes from partaking in the things of this world and reaping the consequences but still keeping a happy face while proclaiming the name of Christ? That's not the Gospel. Isn't the Gospel confrontational? Isn't this the example that was set by Christ and the apostles? They heard what God has declared, saw what He was doing, saw what the enemy was doing and called a spade a spade. The spades killed them for it. "And they did not love their lives even unto death." They also encouraged good things when they saw them but they did not ignore the truth for the sake of "peace and safety" in their hearts and lives.
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