Friday, November 25, 2016

We Live in Historical Fiction on the way to Techno-vertigo

Why do people love period pieces and historical fiction? For me, it's not just because in watching such a movie or reading such a book it seems like a foreign world to me but it's a reminder of just how far we've changed in such a short amount of time. It really shows how changes in thought can turn not only a city or country but the entire world upside-down in only a century or two. Small changes are introduced into society on microcosmic levels and before you know it they are sweeping across the face of the planet with a macrocosmic effect. With advent of the internet these changes have propagated and prolifically blossomed the hive mind mentality, and it has served the agenda of the NWO quite well in that regard. Think of how fast information spread in Yahshua's day compared to the 1800's when the printing press was invented. Then look at how fast a tweet, Youtube video or FB meme can "go viral" in a matter of minutes. I'm just not sure this is the kind of progress that helps us in any real beneficial ways due to the rash and superfluous nature of mankind. I know there are good things about technology but I'm just not sold on the mass perception of "progress." It feels more like digression to me. I like period pieces because I suppose there is a part of me that wants to go back to simpler times.

To be clear I don't look to them for ANY semblance of historical accuracy because as we can plainly find, history is rewritten to suit the perceptions of people all the time. Just about none of what we are taught in schools is accurate but more of an effort to create iconographic misperceptions by the underground Jesuit regime and the elite ruling class who are devoted to setting the course of mankind towards a global tyranny under Satan that takes on the appearance of freedom and love but is a far cry from the call of Yahweh and the law He has written on our hearts. We can return to that simplicity. We don't need all this fluffy nonsense, which really only serve to distract us from the beauty of God's natural provision. But in all truth, this will not ever happen according to human will. It can only happen as God has prophesied. I await between a delicate balance of eagerness and patience for the New Heaven and New Earth promised by the Lord of lords.

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