Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Collateral Damage

QUESTION: How much "collateral damage" is acceptable in war?

In WW1, a roughly estimated 40% or more of those who were directly killed were civilians (not including indirect deaths resulting from famine, disease, etc). In WW2, it was approximately 60-67% (including some indirect deaths). In Iraq, approximately 77%.
Just take a moment to let that sink in.

It's like seeing a girl getting beaten and raped by 2 guys and racing over in your Hummer, running over 3 or 4 random people in the process, jumping out and grabbing a bystander to use as a human shield while you proceed to shoot the 2 guys in the head. Then you turn around and coerce the girl to let you have your way with her yourself as a reward for the brave act of saving her. And you justify all your actions to the public who blindly accept that it was all worth it to save that poor helpless girl. That's about as accurate of an analogy I can think of to break war down to a common level of understanding. This is pretty much what the US and other world powers do all the time. But you say, "collateral damage is inevitable in war!" Yes, when you are dealing with satanists who run the world through deception and force, and who use the masses of hive-minded people as a prop, people who don't care to see beyond what the media propaganda machine is grinding out. See that poor helpless girl was a staged actress set up to manipulate the public into thinking it was OK to do whatever is necessary to save her.

Every major war has been started over a false flag event or series of staged events meant to get to the public on the side of the war effort and to push us closer to the end vision of the satanic elite who meet behind closed doors to determine how to best accomplish their goals of world dominance. The Maine, the Lusitania, 9-11... the list goes on and on. The people in power over the world seriously could not care less about us little dogs because to them we aren't even human. That's why they lie and lie and lie and get away with mass murder. For some reason people just keep eating up the lies.

"All the world's a stage." -Shakespeare
"...the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world" Rev 12:9
"No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds." 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
"Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience." Ephesians 5:6
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap." Galatians 6:7

Those crazy conspiracy theorists...
I really don't understand how people don't see through the obvious propaganda. The perpetrators aren't even really trying that hard to hide it. They just kind of throw some leaves over the trail of blood and call it day, then create a discrediting media campaign against those crazy "conspiracy theorists" wearing aluminum hats. And everyone buys into the whole "game of thrones" fable without even questioning at any real length the facts. Little discernment. Little thinking.
But there are plenty of rote, mechanical Pavlovian responses to centuries-old, progressive behavioral conditioning and generations of neuro-linguistic programming. DING! the bell rings and all the dogs salivate.

I seriously don't believe much of anything at face value that comes out of the media anymore. I'm glad that the Lord has shown me these things but frankly I don't know what to do now that I know them besides not participate in this bass-ackwards, Babylonian system as much as possible. It's upsetting but I also know that Yahweh has a plan, and that all of these things are going to happen just as He has prophesied. He saw what was going to happen long, long ago and He is ready and waiting for the appropriate time to usher in His reign. Here is the patience and faith of the saints. We wait for Him to show us His power and glory by bringing low the haughty oppressors of the poor and raising up the lowly saints who have demonstrated their commitment to His truth in humble, yet righteous, indignation. For now, all I have are my prayers and the truth that overflows my heart to my tongue to those that have ears to hear. May we all see the truth that is staring us in the face and come out of Babylon under the wings of our Father.

"if He rescued Lot, a righteous man distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard ) — if all this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment."
2 Peter 2:8-9

Someone I know said this in response to my question about collateral damage:
"It's a hard thing, innocents dying because of warfare around them. But the 'just wars' that God commanded of His people of Israel took out many innocent women and children as well. There is coming a day when we'll understand the 'why' in these seemingly unjust things. But until then we have to trust God's judgement and His Word and know that there are spiritual battles being fought in the heavens that effect the goings on here on earth, and accept that He's in control."

The key phrase he said is "that God commanded His people." The US is not "His people." His people are a small remnant scattered throughout the whole world, not a nation that dominates the world through brute force and coercion, not a group of nations falsely claiming humanitarian interventions are necessary to keep world peace (when they really seek a world-wide plutocracy), and certainly not a small group of super-rich and powerful elitists setting up all the pawns in their war games to serve their Luciferian agenda.

But I believe Yahweh is certainly letting these things happen because He has turned the nations over to their own wicked ways. In the end His remnant are the ones He will lift up to take down many kings and rule and reign with Him for a thousand years. I tell you, that day could not come soon enough in my mind. But things are going to get really, really ugly first because of the wicked rulers of this age and the people who buy into their lies. "But woe to the earth and the sea; with great fury the devil has come down to you, knowing he has only a short time.” Rev 12:12

Is it not a bit of a cop-out to say that we can't know why these wars take place, especially when there is plenty of evidence out there for those who seek to understand why? After all God wants us to know Him, and He wants us to use the discernment given to us by the Spirit. Discernment is much more than accepting what media, friends, relatives and society are saying about something. It means searching for the truth with all available means and asking for God to lead us by His Spirit into all truth. Frankly, I don't see a whole lot of that happening with sincere, broken hearts. What I see are prideful reactions to conveniently painted scenarios dressed in emotional manipulation, all of which are predetermined by Hegelian and Machiavellian-style operations. And they aren't exactly covert in all cases. However, typically what information does become available is either leaked on purpose or is such old news that there is no longer a massive emotional attachment to the situations they reveal. So therefore much of what is revealed is buried under fallacious skepticism not fully exercised and discredited under disbelief.

Part of this is because people are more eager to get back to their lives than to spend the proper time seeking the truth in order to determine what is the best course of action for them according to God's will. It is far more scary to come out of Babylon than to accept that we live in an oppressive, deceptive society run by wicked men.

If you want to get a glimpse into the real mentality behind war Google "ears for beers vietnam" sometime.

Another response I received in my discussion about this subject was as follows:

"The United States has done more for the cause of modern day Christianity then any Country in history!! To you George there are people in power in government that are strong Christians in this country. Also we are from the seed of Abraham and God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as a sands of the sea shore. He also said that out of Abrahams seed would be kings and people with great power. He also said that Abraham seed would be blessed! Through the deserts in the middle east to the great migration to England to the shores of America we are that seed. So I would challenge your assertion that Christianity is just a remnant. The Bible clearly says it all nations kindreds and tribes will be represented at the throne of God! ✌"

And my response:

Each in his own order, the firstfruits barley harvest, then the wheat, then the grapes. Yes, every knee will bow but those who overcome the flesh, the remnant, are the ones who will rule and reign with Christ as a rod of iron. The rest will have to pass through the "second death" before reconciliation. It's really a choice of being at sabbath rest with Him now and choosing to be refined as silver and gold now or passing through the fires of judgment and wrath at the final judgment. So what does it mean to overcome the flesh? I'll leave you to answer that for yourself.

Jesus did question whether He would find faith on the earth when He returned. He also prophesied of great apostasy where even His elect would be deceived before He returns. He said many will come to Him saying, "Lord! Lord!..." But He will send turn them away "Ye workers of iniquity." There are instances of this same scenario in the books of the prophets, where His children did not know why they were being punished, and why He refused their prayers and turned them over to their own wicked ways as well as the ways of conquering nations. Christians around the world cry out to Him but wickedness has become a part of them through many generations of indoctrination and falling away. I don't see much of anything that is redeeming about life on planet earth right now. Everything has become corrupted. Sorry for the downer, but this is the reality I see. My hope is in the promise of the Lord, not in anything of the world or man.

For example, the peace sign you put in your post is a mantra of the modern one-world agenda to compromise in order that we all come together. The whole "COEXIST" bumper sticker thing. This is the New World Religion of tolerance, acceptance, non-judgment and complacency. The peace sign, which appears to have a positive meaning in our modern culture, has deeply wicked roots. Some of the spiritual influence of these symbols do in fact affect our souls (psyche in Greek in The Bible). We adopt these symbols and ideals one at a time until they become normal. And the devil continues to manipulate the world until he is defeated. But how can anyone defeat an enemy they cannot even see? You see this is the method of the devil who wants to steal, kill and destroy, but force never works as well as convincing the enemy that they want what you, as their enemy, have to offer them. Once they have compromised and welcomed the "angel of light" in, the door is open for more and more compromise to ensue until the whole world is turned upside down. This is clearly what is happening in the world today. I don't know what I can do to convince anyone except speak the truth and pray that the Lord will open their eyes to the obvious veil of illusion that has been pulled gently over their heads. The peace sign is just one very small example of this and is really only a small token in the plethora of evidence that the minds of the masses have been infiltrated by wickedness, even some of the kindest and caring people. I can only hope that the Lord will have mercy on those who don't know they've been dooped.

Also the US has done more to discredit and create a new version of Christianity than any other nation or group in history, other than perhaps the Vatican, which is at the heart of all the corruption pervading every one of the Christian denominations. What we see today is not true Christianity, or rather, it is not "the Way" as spoken of in Acts and by David, Yahshua and Peter. We have a nation of people who profess the name of "Jesus" (which by the way wasn't even His real name but a Greek misrepresentation), but do not take up their crosses to suffer for righteousness in His example. People think that by voting they are exercising their Christian faith in God-given "democracy" by choosing between issues rather than people. But this is like corporations keeping employees complacent by including them in discussions so that they think "well, at least our voices are being heard" when in reality management is only doing it to get their way. Yes, maybe they will throw them a bone every once in a while but it makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. They get their way and keep morale up by creating a false sense of participation. It's a heap of fluffy lies.

Christians also think that by doing daily devotionals, holding Bible studies and going to church, going on missions, etc etc that they are doing righteous deeds in the name of the Lord. However, if we are unprepared and deceived then that is what will be propagated in those we witness to.

Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.
James 3:1

I teach from the truth that was given to me, that the Spirit brought me to and that I've searched out with the discernment He has given me. I'm no scholar nor am I a brilliant man. Nor were most of the apostles, who were fisherman and tent-makers, etc. But they studied to show themselves approved, to prove the perfect and acceptable will of God, to see through the deceptions of their enemies and to gird up the loins of their minds, like good Bereans, who searched the Scriptures daily to find out if these things were true. But let us not forget that Scriptures are not the be-all-end-all. The Spirit of truth is. Doctrines and laws are easily twisted. It is why we need the Spirit to guide us into truth. It is not all about love. It is about truth AND love, and sometimes the truth is we need tough love. Some say, "lighten up George, and have the joy and peace of the Lord! Don't you think God has a sense of humor?" To that I would respond that I don't think Yahweh is amused one bit at the state of the world right now. The world may have some beauty left in it that is of God but the corruption is so far-reaching that I can't see how things could go much further before He puts His foot down. I guess only time will tell but for now I keep my watchful eyes on the signs of the times, knowing that His approach is imminent. The great and terrible day approaches.

Will not the day of the LORD be darkness instead of light, Even gloom with no brightness in it? "I hate, I reject your festivals, Nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies."
Amos 5:20-21

The next time you hear of collateral damage in a war or conflict ask yourself who the real collateral damage is. Could it be those who have bought into the game of political lies and have sold themselves to a beast system that doesn't have even a spec of concern for them?


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