Friday, April 28, 2017

The Monstrance

It's not called a Monstrance for nothing. It is the symbol of the sun with a moon in the center holding a wafer of unleavened bread. In the Catholic Eucharist it is believed that the wafer and wine is transubstantiated into the actual body and blood of Christ to be received into your body. This is how you receive Christ - by a ritualistic work. Most Catholics will ignorantly tell you it is only a symbolic gesture but take heed, it is a pagan ritual. If you have doubts I urge you to look into the doctrine of transubstantiation on the Vatican website.

"At the heart of the Eucharistic celebration are the bread and wine that, by the words of Christ and the invocation of the Holy Spirit, become Christ's Body and Blood."

Notice the Pope and most of the priests who perform the ritual hold the monstrance (or often times just the wafer) over their foreheads and/or the top of thier heads. This symbolizes divine revelation received through the crown chakra and the third eye. It is the attainment of Enlightenment. This is most easily recognized today as a Hindu/ Buddhist practice, and is a core concept behind other Luciferian belief systems (Lucifer means bringer of light) like Qaballah (Jewish mysticism in which a person goes through a series of works called pathworking to attain to the Adamic state before the fall). But it goes even further back than that to Babylon and Egypt. 

We can see clear references to sun worship throughout the whole Eucharist which has connections to Baal worship as described in The Bible. It also pays homage to goddess worship (Ashtoreth or the Queen of Heaven ie; Semiramis, Isis or Ishtar) with the moon holding the wafer. Notice the moon and sun are in conjunction with one another. This represents the union of the male and female resulting in the creation of life, the wafer, which becomes a living being. So just like most pagan rites, it is centered around a secret meaning: sexual rite of passage. Behind the cover doctrine of the trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit lies a more sinister and pagan concept in the RCC. It actually is paying homage to the ancient pagan trinity of the Mother, Father and Child.

The Israelites fell prey to this practice repeatedly and suffered God's wrath for it. Today this practice is still alive in the Catholic Church.

Notice also the six pointed star in the monstance. I can't say for sure if this was intentional but it is strikingly similar to the Qaballistic tree of life which is tied to the star of David (I don't like calling the star of David because David surely never used it). What this represents in modern occultism is the philosophy of "as above, so below." It means bringing heaven to earth through mystical practices. God is reduced to a system of works that can turn you into your own god. Doesn't that sound a lot like what the serpent said to Eve in the garden?

It also resembles the flower of life, the lotus flower which comes from Hindu/Buddhist origins. This pattern is seen in nature and is represented in mathematical formulas like pi and the fibbonacci sequence. It's called sacred geometry which is very popular among neo-Hermetic occultists.

You see, in Babylon the goal was world-wide syncretization under one government, one religion and one economy. Does this sound familiar when you look around at our modern world? Does it look like things are heading that way again? You had better believe the spirit of Babylon is very much alive in the world.

There is much to be exposed in the Eucharist and the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church. There are many informed articles out there which can open your eyes to what spirit is really behind their doctrines. When you look at historical evidence compared along with The Bible in prayer it is not difficult to discern the truth. Come out of her my people...

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