Saturday, December 12, 2020

Holydaze - New Book Release

It's been a while since I last posted, mostly because I have been questioning whether God wanted me to. Over the last year God has given me many revelations and insights into different subjects, of which I will gladly be sharing with anyone who is interested, here on this blog or otherwise.

For a couple of years now, I have been doing in-depth research on the subject of the holidays. Over time I amassed about 20,000 words of random notes on the subject and a boat load of resources to draw from. At the same time I was, and have been, praying to God to take action in my life regarding my ministry and my job, which have been somewhat in opposition to one another. After much prayer, God has finally set in motion the good things I requested by releasing me from my job as a webmaster/online marketing manager, and giving me time and head space to focus on organizing the information I have collected by His good graces. I don't know if He will lead me to another job or if He wants me to remain only in ministry, but I am open to both possibilities. I am praying that He will open and close doors as He sees fit and guide me on the narrow path of life.

I am happy to finally post the first edition of my first book, which God has directed me to write and release, Holydaze, the Origins of the Holiday Season. Although there are still a few chapters I would like to add to the book at some point I do feel it has reached a state of maturity that is ready and timely for your eyes and spiritual ears.

At some point I will be making my own website where I will be posting this work as well as another book that is in the works about the Trinity, tentatively titled Three in One, One in Three. God prompted me to write this book after an encounter with an anti-trinitarian, and since then I have come to find that there are many misconceptions about the nature of the Father, the Son and the Spirit. This work will be published in the coming months along with my website.

It is my aim to turn these books into individual blogs, videos, Facebook posts and newsletters for the inmates in the prison ministry Parables Bookshelf, which was given to me by God through Joseph Herrin about 4 years ago. For those who don't know who Joseph is, he is a minister who wrote 22 books and many articles, which are published for free on his website He had a stroke a week after I moved to Montezuma, GA where he resides. Since then God has been working on raising me up into a minister for Him, beginning with taking over Joseph's prison ministry and now moving into the public sphere. Admittedly, I am still a very flawed man who feels unworthy to be teaching, but by His grace, mercy, correction and longsuffering, I am learning to hear His voice more clearly and to follow His Spirit onto the path He has laid for me. I pray that He will use these works He has given me to minister to you in the ways that He knows you need, and may we, as brothers and sisters grow together, firmly established in the truth of His love.

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