Friday, July 26, 2019

Response to Alan Watts

The following is a response to the video below.

I have read the I Ching, Tao Te Ching, and many other religious works from Buddhism to Hinduism to Druidic Mysticism, Qaballa, Satanism, Wicca, etc, etc. I sought the truth in every path I could find. Nothing satisfied nor brought any lasting revelation. Then God started a work in my life and I found that the Bible is the most spiritually pure book I've ever encountered. Is it infallible? No. Man has made his mark on Scriptures, so much so that true Christianity has been lost over the millennia. One need only to read the warnings of Paul and John, and look what happened over the next 300 years to see that, especially Constantine and the apostate Council of Nicea essentially banning the true nature of "Christ" as described by Arius. Yahweh showed me that what we see today is a watered-down, spoon-fed version of Christianity that, yes, came out of the Catholic Church, the Mother of Harlots in Revelation. If she is the mother then who are the daughters that came out of her? What is said in this video about the Bible being a spiritual book is true. It must be spiritually discerned. The thing that really sets the Bible apart from other religious writings is the fact that, prophetically and parabolically speaking, God's voice can be discerned from its reading. No other books have described so many fulfilled prophesies and no other has foreshadowed the time in which we live more accurately. I was never taught anything with any depth in churches. That is why I walked away to begin with. Now, after so many years of searching and failing to find anything of substance, God dropped a massive weight of truth on me. AND IT BROKE ME.

"He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed."

It's true that inspired holy men and prophets once wrote what was given to them, some by dictation, others by interpretation or documentation, and those men spoke the lingua franca of their time. It is no wonder that imagery and ideas from other cultures are expressed in it because universal wisdom is well, universal, and illustrative imagery is often regurgitated. I will say that wisdom comes from a source and it is a Divine Intelligence - a conscious being who interacts with us. "Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion."

The unique thing about Christianity is that we have a loving, albeit demanding Father, who has gone to every length to show us The Way. That is not the Buddhist "Way" but His true, narrow path to life, who is exemplified and encompassed in His Son, who has made certain the recompense of all to Him. That means the Lake of Fire is not eternal (it is age-long - look up "aion") and that Yahweh's judgment is always punitive for the purpose of being remedial. If we can come to see the light of truth that is only available in Him, and is accessible only in a proper understanding of the Bible by the Spirit of God, then we can rest in His peace, not a man-made "peace and safety" contrived from the syncretization or plagiarization of world religions, economies and politics into one cooperative whole (aka: Babylon). The vain philosophies of men like Alan Watts are the wide path to destruction and lead to the prophetic "mark of the beast" (no one can buy or sell unless they think and do as the beast, or ruling power, does). If you understand what is happening in the world today, in truth, then you will see that we are heading straight towards the New World Order "beast" system prophesied in Revelation (and clarified by Daniel). Things are not improving. We are not progressing. Things are getting worse. We are DIEgressing. This world is in a state of spiritual entropy and most will have to "pass through" the second death in order to come to the knowledge and acceptance of the truth, that we will all be one in Yahshua Messiah. "For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through the blood of His cross." Colossians 1 "...but each in his own order..." 1 Corinthians 15.  There are 3 resurrections (as foreshadowed in the 3 appointed Jewish Feasts of Yahweh). The firstfruits "barley" (unleavened by sin), the harvest of the "wheat" which must be threshed and winnowed to be ground into flour, mixed with oil (of anointing) and baked in fire until all the yeast (sin) stops rising, and then the grapes which must be crushed - tread under foot - all to set the table for the marriage supper of the Lamb.

The Bible has more answers than all of the "holy" books of every other religion combined. That is simply the truth. Yet it must be rightly divided and discerned. Chew the cud for a while. Ruminate in prayer. Receive the true Gospel, the good news that Yahshua has made a clear path for man to holiness. That path is the most difficult path you will ever walk, yet "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Qaballistic pathworking, Buddhist fasting, meditation and self denial (although similar in some ways to what Christ taught) will not lead you to the truth. The truth is difficult but very simple. Die to yourself. Live in Yahshua. He IS the only Way.

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