As someone who used to practice many forms of magick and occult mystery religions I found many similarities in every day life which resemble the practice of magick at their very core. The one example I would like to focus on in this blog is television, or more broadly, any entertainment or content we "digest" through screen-based technology.
Have you ever heard of scrying? If you have never participated in magickal rituals you might not have ever heard of this, but you've most likely seen it in movies, especially ones made by Disney. Remember the evil witch in Cinderella and the whole "mirror, mirror on the wall" bit? This is a form of divination. One stares into a black void, often under the influence of some sort of psychotropic substance that alters brain waves, or "consciousness," to be more in tune with the spirit world. The goal of doing this is to receive visions, conjure and invoke spirits, and to acquire knowledge of present or future events, or to gain insight into one's spiritual life. One of the most famous people who used scrying was Nostradamus. Here are some pictures of scrying mirrors:
As you can see they come in all shapes, sizes and forms. Ask yourself, what common, every-day items do these surfaces look like? Your television set? Your smartphone?
How often to you consult these devices for knowledge or for fun? Most owners of mobile smartphones spend about 3-5 hours per day actively using them. How much time to you spend praying or talking to God?
Interesting that they are called "smart" phones, huh? I think this speaks of the intent behind these devices. The plan is to dumb you down spiritually, not build you up. The more you use these devices the more you become reliant on the technology to fill perceived voids in your life. There is a term being used today to refer to a point in time where humans will eventually merge with technology. This term is called transhumanism. The point at which technology achieves consciousness is called the Omega Point. I won't dwell on these terms too much here but it is suffice to say they are relevant to this post and worthy of understanding. I encourage you to do some research on your own into these topics.
When we go to Google for knowledge are we eating from the Tree of Life or from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Here is an ironic slogan that was used by Google in the recent past. I wonder why they stopped using it?

If we are to remain pure and holy in God's eyes, and if we are to come out of Babylon, we must be able to critically look at what we have yoked ourselves to. We must be able to discern what is influencing our lives and what drives us. I will readily admit that I thought I was strong enough to stand up against whatever wickedness I encounter in movies and television, even the news media and advertising, but the fact is I am weak. In a world inundated with the satanic agenda we literally must be girded with the full armor of God at all times. ALL times, whether awake or asleep.
What kinds of spirits are you allowing in your life? What inroads have you given them? Are you indoctrinated with thoughts that are not from God? If you are honest with yourself and seek God truly, then you will know the answers to these questions.
It is important also, however, not to write off how Yahweh might use the things of this world for His glory. This is the only real qualification I can add to support the use of technology which has its roots in the heart of man. I believe much of the technology we use has been allowed by God, but not ordained by Him. Even so, all things are ultimately His and He will use them to His glory.
I leave you with one final thought. That is of sorcery. In these end days what humanity has achieved with technology is nothing short of sorcery. We can create any kind of imagery we want and place any kind of messaging along with them. We can create all manner of sounds to enhance the mood of these images. We are even creating 3D virtual reality. We have given ourselves over to sensory experience. It consumes us. This is what sensuality is - the love of the senses. Can you live without your smartphone, internet, television, music, movies, fine food and drink, sex... How about approval from others? A SENSE of belonging? If you look with unmuddy eyes you will see the truth - that we all are susceptible to our base sensory input and fleshly desires. I, for one, hope to be completely freed from the confines of these enslaving, smothering impulses. Father God, LORD Almighty I pray for Your intercession in my life, to lift me out of the pit of slithering deception and stand me firm in the faith You have given me. Amen!
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