Friday, July 7, 2017

Why do Christians abandon their faith?

When I was 13 years old I stopped going to church. I thought that it was pointless. I lost whatever fragment of faith I had left which had been diminishing slowly but surely over the course of my youth. I was raised a Christian and when I was young I really had a heart for God, but as I continued on through life I found that Christianity was lacking and brought little to no fulfillment. I rebelled and got into rock and metal music, started doing drugs and fornicating. I got into the occult and eastern philosophies. I fell FAR from the path I began on. WHY? This is a question I asked myself when I first started to come back to Christ a few years ago.
The reason I fell from my faith is that I wasn't standing on a firm foundation. Christians seemed to just be going through the motions, hoping - WISHING that God would reveal Himself and help them through life. But God doesn't serve you. He is not here to make your life easier nor to give you what you THINK you want in life. You are here to serve Him. And He WILL challenge you in the most difficult ways possible to encourage spiritual growth - to raise you up as a child of God. This is a critical part of the Gospel that I missed growing up and one that I think doesn't truly hit home with most Christians today. The 4 most important words in the Bible are... Can you guess? Take a moment...
THY will be done.
It sounds simple but it is the most difficult thing one can do in a fallen world infiltrated and indoctrinated by satanic influences. The Prosperity Doctrine says, "God has a purpose for me. God wants me to be empowered and happy in my life, right?" Yes, but not in the way most are thinking. Power comes from service to His sovereign will. THAT is where happiness and fulfillment comes from. Sabbath rest is life. Remember that every mortal breath is a gift and a curse - a challenge to give yourself over completely to His will regardless of the consequences in this life. Remember the promise He made to give us newness of life in the heavenly new earth. We are merely sojourners in a foreign land here to show the inhabitants of a dying world the path to salvation. Let us not become entangled in the web of the Prosperity Doctrine only to find ourselves disappointed when God does not live up to our expectations. Let us not pursue our own desires and create our own expectations but rather look to Him for a redefining of our will so that we may be in alignment with the mystery of His plan for this age. Look forward to the fulfillment of His promise to those who overcome the fleshly nature of this fallen world. May our Father Yahweh bless and keep you today.

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