Although on the other hand one could argue that Christ Yahshua did make winter time as well as the day we call Dec 25th so if we worship Him on that day it would be best to be sure we are honoring Him in the manner He wants to be honored and not the way the pagans do ie; Saturnalia, Sol Invictus, etc, etc. Cutting down and decorating trees in our homes, putting lights and candles everywhere, gift-giving, holly wreaths, yule logs, ham... all are practices arising from Babylonian, Egyptian and Druidic sun and Saturn worship centered around Baal, Tammuz, Semiramis, Nimrod, Osiris, Isis, Horus... certainly not customs commanded by the Almighty. So a wise person must ask themselves: shall I declare a feast day unto the Lord, erect a golden calf or cut down a tree from the forest and fashion it with my own hands to worship how I feel? Should I encourage others to do so by participating in such practices?
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Prometheus bringing fire from heaven down to earth |
But to many pagans the tree is used as a symbol of resurrection in more ways than one. The holly wreath represents the holy grail or the circle of infinite possibilities (the female genital and womb) that is open to receive the gift of light the tree (phallus) brings to the void within it, giving rise to the ultimate act of creation on earth by man. The holly berries are symbols of fertility. These phallic and yonic symbols are absolutely everywhere if you learn to recognize them. Yes, even your Christmas decorations, Disney and Hollywood movies (note: Holly. Wood. They didn't pick that name just because it rolls off the tongue. What is Harry Potter's wand made out of? Disney says, "When you wish upon a star" at the Magic Kingdom. Do you see the sorcery yet?). Even the image above has two phallic symbols. Can you guess what the second is? Hint: it's right behind the Christmas tree. Also notice how the wreaths at Christmas are always much smaller than the tree. Can you guess what that means? One might conclude that this is a symbol of ritual pedophilia. The most evil satanists out there have an affinity for children. As sick as it sounds consider how many children go missing every year and are never found. Approximately 2000 PER DAY in the USA alone. Also think about how much sexual abuse happens to children and youth today. The trauma that puts a person through at a young age has a profound effect on their psychological development and their adult behavior. The beast nature can really get a hold on the young, especially troubled teenagers. The evil that is implanted in them can grow into something they have little to no control over. This is how Monarch mind control works and it is not only used behind closed doors under the shadows of secret societies. It has been pushed out onto the general public in subtle, symbolic ways for millennia, and it has only grown exponentially in the last 200 years with the advancement of technology. This is the satanic agenda: to deceive a large part of the world into accepting evil as good. That includes those who choose to fight fire with fire. These will perish by fire. It is the enemy's plan to steal, kill and destroy by appealing to your fleshly nature, in whatever way he can, to distract you away from God and set you against your neighbor. Even those who think they are fighting for good are doing evil. It's a very cunning plan Satan has devised against every human being. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)
I believe it is very important to know the tactics of the enemy to avoid his subconscious manipulation and to become aware of how to separate one's self and family from such evils. Gird up the loins of your mind and put on the full armor of God. You are smack dab in the middle of ground zero of a massive spiritual war. Your only defense is the power which Christ Yahshua gives you to stand strong in the midst of the storm. Come out her my people and touch not the unclean thing (Revelation 18:4).
What I find interesting is that the month of September is traditionally the month with the greatest number of birthdays, particularly Sept 16th which would make the most common day of conception on or around December 24th. So in essence, as with most pagan customs, this is a sexual rite based on the concept of duality, where light and dark are in constant ebb and flow, creating balance and imbalance in all of creation. It is an expression of the ultimate creative energy of man and woman as yin and yang. But duality is not where our worship and focus should be. It should be on the One, Christ Yahshua, who will finish the work of reconciliation back to the Infinite Zero of Eternity, Father Yahweh. This is a truth that is well supported by The Bible if one has eyes to see yet one that is not taught by modern churches. True wisdom and knowledge has not been accepted by the masses of professing Christians. This was prophesied long ago by the prophets of old and by the Word of God at the foundation of the earth. A vast majority of creation will fall away from Him before all will be reconciled. Most people will have to walk through the fires of judgment before they realize and accept the truth.
Now there are those who will insist that there is nothing wrong with Christmas, even after confronted with a mountain of evidence proving it is wickedness in disguise. They will say it's fun, brings together family and loved ones to share a meal and exchange gifts and great food... what's wrong with that? Nothing in that sentence per se. But consider the following:
Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Matthew 7:22
Because they did not repent of the works of their own hands... to receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. Revelation 9:20, 2 Thessalonians 2:10
Their land has also been filled with silver and gold And there is no end to their treasures; Their land has also been filled with horses And there is no end to their chariots. Their land has also been filled with idols; They worship the work of their hands, That which their fingers have made.
Isaiah 2:8
The idols of the nations are but silver and gold, The work of man's hands.
Psalm 135:15
Notice that idolatry is almost always accompanied by "the works of their own hands" and worship is not always literally bowing down to something recognizing it as a literal "god" but rather admiring something that is not ordained by God which you have made and presenting it as something that exalts God, like Cane's offering or the golden calf at Mt. Sinai, or even literally gold and silver as currency, diamonds and gems or things that sparkle and mesmerize or make you feel good. Sound familiar? Read my last post, "Idolatry and the True Meaning of Worship" for more info if you want to dig deeper into the non-sexual side of idolatry.
Father Yahweh has been showing me a lot about how great an influence sexuality has over virtually every decision we make. This is a subject that reaches far and wide into life on this planet, so much so that it may even seem natural to think liberally about sex. This preoccupation has reached the core of our very beings and we must confront it if we are to enter the kingdom of God. I sincerely hope this isn't too much information but this knowledge is available to anyone willing to do the research. I encourage you not to take my word for it and look into it yourself in prayer with the Spirit of truth. May Yahweh bless you with wisdom and peace in your heart as well as strength to rightly divide the truth and stand on the solid Rock of faith.
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