Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Avengers: Endgame - A Christian Perspective

I recently watched Avengers: Endgame and thought I would share a few observations. In writing this I am making the assumption that you have heard of the New World Order, Eugenics or at least know your Bible well enough to know when something stinks of evil no matter how well it is "disguised as an angel of light." I can't explain much of what is behind the NWO in this post so I will have to encourage you to do your own research for the time being. A good place to start would be and these blogs:

I would even recommend the longer documentaries on (but please DO NOT take this as an endorsement for James' anarchist, activist ideologies. I merely think he has done a good job exposing the NWO.) If you find a term or reference that you don't know anything about feel free to comment or email me. I'd be happy to elaborate. OK, so with that out of the way let's jump right into the observations I made watching the last two Avengers movies.

In Endgame, Stark told Captain America that they should have put a shield around the planet, like he suggested to the team before Thanos came around. His suggestion, based on the Age of Ultron movie, was that technology can be used to protect humanity from evil. In fact, he, much like Elon Musk, believed that humanity's hope lies in merging with technology. That was his argument in Age of Ultron and how Vision came to be, the life form created by placing the mind stone (tesseract power) in his third eye (ie; forehead - see Revelation 13 for the mark of the beast. Also, the third eye is a new age/Hindu/Kabbalistic reference). One of the first things he said to the Avengers was, "I am not Ultron. I am not Jarvis. I am... I am." Anyone who knows their Bible will understand that reference. God told Moses in the burning bush to tell the people that, "I am that I am" sent him. Moreover, this was evocative of Sir Issac Newton's famous saying, "I think, therefore I am." This is the worship of the mind of which Vision is an idol. Vision, a being made from synthesized human tissue fused with vibranium and wielding the power of the mind stone, was declaring himself to be God. In fact, he, like Captain America, was worthy to pick up Thor's hammer. He picked it up like it was nothing.

Another thing I noticed was the comments about Captain America's back side. Stark made fun of his rear and Ant Man replied "that's America's ***" (rear, to keep this family-friendly). Later, CA fought himself and after defeating him, when his other self laid on the ground unconscious he paused to examine his own rear. He replied, "That IS America's ..." It was not just kitschy egotistical humor. Captain America is a statement about what every man should strive to be in America. He is an idol. This comment was meant to say that his back side was the ideal back side. It furthers the fleshly obsession with looks in this country. It's too bad that most people think this is "funny because it's true." It's actually quite condescending.

There was a shot of a bumper sticker placed inside the ship the Avengers fly around in that read, "Jarvis is my co-pilot." This gives further credence to the importance technology, particularly AI, is portrayed to play in our lives by these movies. It more than implies worship.

There was a reference to Jet Propulsion Labs right after a shot of Stark in his lab. JPL was founded by Jack Parsons, a knows Thelemic cultist who openly practiced sex magick. JPL is a part of NASA. If you read the blogs I posted links to just above you'll find more info on that. Basically, Stark was modeled after Jack Parsons, whose real name is Marvel Parsons. Coincidence?

There was a shot of a ship named "Churchill - Great Britain" shown just after they mentioned the strongest metal in the world. The sun never sets on the Babylo... I mean British Empire. I would elaborate on why I said that but it might take a whole book. Suffice to say GB still holds an important position of power in the New World Order, including massive influence in America.

Shortly after that Ultron said, "Upon this rock I will build my church. Vibranium." Do I need to say more about that? He was mocking the words of Christ speaking to Peter. Christ was speaking of faith. I know Ultron is the villain in this movie but using this line, as well as the multiple church scenes where Ultron is sitting on a throne is clearly an allusion to the Antichrist. The worst part is not that they wrote his character saying those words but that there is irony in them. People are blindly following a false Gospel today. How is Ultron defeated? By strange, supernatural powers, mostly obtained by playing around in a science lab. The "good" characters in this movie win by putting their faith in technological advancement and unity. That is the spirit of Babylon at work.

As Ultron was getting ready to fight the Avengers he said, "Captain America, God's righteous man, pretending you can live without a war." What an appropriate statement. Captain America is an idol, just like America's ideals are an idol, and "We the people" are being fooled into thinking we somehow bring more "peace and safety" to the world as avengers of liberty and freedom. This is far from the truth. America makes a lot of money from war and this country occupies more countries than any other. It has over 800 military bases in over 70 countries. No country has ever been so globally present, not by a long shot. Our leaders have led this country into wars based on false flag after false flag, and the people bought it in their self-righteousness. Dominion Theology has taken over here, not the Gospel of Yahshua Messiah.

Many aspects of this movie are making fun of Christianity in a way that is supposed to be acceptable in a "kitchy" way. I wonder if most Christians even realize that. Perhaps they think it is "humble" to laugh at themselves. Well, maybe they should, because most of what they teach is lies. The fact that these movies make billions is a testament to how this "majority Christian" country thinks. I'm almost ashamed that I paid $4 to rent it, but I didn't do it purely because I wanted to be entertained (although I suppose I do have a bit of guilty pleasure in watching this trash, which I admit is not great). I did it mostly because I am interested to see what the elite satanic ruling class are indoctrinating people with now, and what people are eating up like a good ol' apple pie.

One last note: Towards the end, Vision is speaking with Ultron, and he says, "Humans are odd. They think that order and chaos are somehow opposites and try to control what won't be, but there is grace in their failures."

Ultron says, "They're doomed."

Vision replies, "Yes, but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts."

What a weird justification. Note that in the next movie half of humanity is killed by the power of the stones. The Bible, specifically Revelation, tells us a large percentage of people on earth are going to die in the tribulation. Have you heard of eugenics? It's not just an old philosophy from the early 20th century that died away. It's part of the technocratic agenda to steer humanity in the direction of positive progress (whatever that is).

Further, the statement about thinking order and chaos are separate is clearly Theosophical. Most satanists believe that order and chaos come from the same Source, and that there isn't really a such thing as right and wrong, good and bad. The ends justify the means. Everything that happens is for good, even bad. It's difficult to explain concisely, but duality is an integral part of most pagan belief systems.

Interestingly enough, at the end of Endgame, it is Iron Man, Tony Stark, the movie version of Jack Parsons, techno-sexual satanist, that saves the world and resurrects everyone, killing all the evil Thanos brought. He is the ultimate hero in the end, the one with such heart that he would give his life for his friends. A sneaky play on emotions. The moral of the story: Don't judge that egotistical, perverted, technocratic, transhumanist jerk of a person because he just might be the best thing that ever happened to humanity.

"Age of Ultron" and "Endgame" indeed. There's more I could point out but it's getting late. VERY late.

EDIT: OK so I decided to add some more the next day. Here's a few more thing I caught.

Demons are souls dispossessed of bodies. They can't stand to be without physical form. It's torture to them. Recall Legion in the Bible (Mark 5:1-20). When Yahshua came to them they begged Him to not cast them out but to let them go into the herd of swine nearby. They would rather occupy swine than be without form. Consider what Ultron said after his simulation was successful.

Ultron, "Where's my body? ...This feels weird. This feels Wrong."

Remember what Elon Musk said. "With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon."

Another NWO reference was to MK Ultra mind control, a well-known and documented government project from the 50's and 60's that experimented with ways to manipulate their subjects' minds. Two of which are seen in Romanoff and the Hulk. Romanoff uses mind control technique on Hulk. A typical method of triggering a person who has been programmed by mind control techniques is to say a very specific phrase them. This was portrayed in the movie "The Manchurian Candidate". The mother in the movie spoke a phrase to her son which triggered him into his assassination mode. Conversely, Romanoff uses this technique to calm the Hulk. When it's time she takes off her glove and says, "The sun's gettin' real low..." Then touches him in a specific way. The character Romanoff herself would well understand mind control since she was raised as a sort of Manchurian Candidate herself by the KGB. The Scarlet Witch is also Russian and is a supposed to be a symbol of how mind control can be a power for good or for evil. She starts off evil and supposedly turns good, at least "good" in the movie's rhetorical sense.

While we are speaking of women, it is no surprise that these, and majority of the women seen in these movies, are hypersexualized. Massive cleavage dominated prime shots throughout the movie. If you were watching you saw boobs sticking out of the tops of their clothes/costumes often. They also went to every effort to make sure Romanoff's rear end had ample screen time. I'm not looking for this stuff, it's just thrown in your face. It's why I wouldn't recommend anyone who is not on their guard to watch these movies. Certainly, PLEASE do not show them to your children.

My last observation is more of a question, because I don't know much about Russian history. I do know the Romanovs were the ruling family of Russia for at least a couple of hundred years. That ended in the early 1900's. I do wonder if there is some sort of reference or connection there, if the writer chose that name for a reason. Who knows? One thing I do know is that the last Russian Czar was a Romanov who was killed as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution, a topic well worth looking into but far too broad to touch on in this blog. It's almost too weird to know that one of the last things to happen in the lands Russian ruled in his time was the loss of Manchuria.

The Czar and his wife became very close with Siberian "holy man", Rasputin, who was famous for his healing powers, allegedly based on sex magick, but much of this is speculation. The ruling family were self-professed Orthodox Christians but when their son fell ill they turned to Rasputin to try and find a miracle. There are conflicting stories about whether Rasputin was really a holy man or a mystical shaman of sorts. Interestingly enough, the Bolshevik Jews imprisoned and killed the royal family. Rasputin was a known supporter of the Jewish cause in Russia as well as other humanitarian ideals. Something does smell fishy here but I can't say really what it is. Perhaps it is the "humanitarian" thing more than the rumors. Babylon is tyrannically humanitarian after all. This subject warrants research of its own because I can't intelligently comment on it.